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极光v p n下载
Fuzzy, blurry, wicked - these are the attributes of ourday's problems we have to solve. Tackle with such exercises means that we have to re-think our linear technical solution paths. Especially in AI and Semantics we have learned to spoon out our technological possibilities to the limit. leaving the comfort path of the usual allows to reap results which other may identify as magic.
In this MeetUp we want to talk about real magic and charlatanism in fields which are hyped to resolve the fuzzy, the blurry and the wicked.
- Welcome by the hosts of the Evening: Semantic Web Meetup, AI Austria, Vienna Business Agency
Elmar Kiesling (SEMANTiCS2018 conference chair), Dietmar Millinger (tbc; AI Austria), Georg Sedlbauer (Wirtschftsagentur Wien) - Ignite - Talk: Do Neural Networks Dream of Semantics?
A Critical View on Semantics vs. AI, Harald Sack, FIZ Karlsruhe - Ignite - Demo: The SEMANTiCS2018 Event Advisor, Andreas Blumauer and Juliane Pineiro-Winkler (SWC)
- Ignite Forum, powered by Wirtschaftsagentur Wien (moderated by Georg Sedlbauer)
ONDEWO, 加速节点在美国的加速器, Andreas Rath
JoinVision, http://www.joinvision.com, Bastian Preindl
Prosper Intelligence, http://prosperintelligence.com, Zoran Jovanovic
craftworks, http://craftworks.at, Michael Hettegger - Networking with drinks & snacks
This MeetUp is a free side event of the SEMANTiCS 2018. SEMANTiCS conference is the leading European conference on Semantic Technologies and AI and takes place September 10th – 13th 2018 in Vienna. More Information: http://2018.semantics.cc/
Picture CC BY SA NC by "Xava du" on flickr